A dataset containing the terrain characteristics of the crop requirements for farming Castor Beans.
A data frame with 6 rows and 8 columns
The following are the factors for evaluation:
Slope1 - Slope (%) (1. Irrigrated agriculture, basin furrow irrigation)
Slope2 - Slope (%) (2. High level of managemnet with full mechanization. )
Slope3 - Slope (%) (3. Low level of managemnet animal traction or handwork.)
Flood - Flooding (1 - No Flood, 2 - short time, 3 - Long time)
Drainage4 - Drainage 1-good, 2-moderate, 3-imperfect, 4-poor (Medium and fine textured soils)
Drainage5 - Drainage 1-good, 2-moderate, 3-imperfect, 4-poor (Coarse textured soils - Sandy families)
Yen, B. T., Pheng, K. S., and Hoanh, C. T. (2006). LUSET: Land Use Suitability Evaluation Tool User's Guide. International Rice Research Institute.